5 Foods That Will Help You Improve Concentration

Many people endeavor to improve their diet hoping it will help improve concentration. But did you know that your brain is also an energy-hungry organ? Even though it only comprises 2% of your body weight, your brain uses up more than 20% of the energy you consume! And since the brain requires a lot of fuel from food, your diet can greatly influence your brain function, including your learning, memory, and concentration. With a holistic and balanced diet, these 5 foods that will boost your concentration! 

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5 Foods that Will Help You Improve Concentration

1. Eggs

eggs boost concentration

Looking for a great source of protein that can also increase your focus and concentration? Eggs are packed with so many nutrients that are linked to brain health! For instance, choline, an important part of a neurotransmitter in the brain, can help regulate mood and memory.

In addition, eggs are also rich in B vitamins that play a role in slowing down mental decline.  Have it as a midday snack or add it to your breakfast to get your daily dose of an egg a day!

2. Nuts

nuts boost concentration

Nuts are the best snacks to have when you want to focus on your study or work! Research has shown that nuts have the ability to improve cognition and help prevent neurodegenerative diseases. It’s because they contain healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

What’s even better is that they are also high in protein! Have it on your granola bar, mix it with your parfait, or just simply snack on them — nuts are indeed the power-packed munch you’d need for your brain health!

3. Tea

tea boost concentration

A cup or two of freshly brewed tea a day can also boost brain power by improving memory, focus, and mood! Other than being a great energy enhancer because of its mild caffeine levels, freshly brewed teas also contain potent amounts of catechins, which are antioxidants that can promote healthy blood flow to the brain!

What to level up your tea? Try brewing Panax Ginseng or Gingko Biloba! These two impressive plants are one of the oldest and most commonly known memory enhancing compounds for adults. This is due to the fact that Panax Ginseng and Gingko Biloba can increase blood flow, oxygen, and nutrient absorption in the brain.

4. Broccoli

broccoli boost concentration

Your parents were probably right when they tell you to eat your broccoli! They’re packed with a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that can improve your overall health. However, the secret to why broccoli can boost your brain is through its vitamin K.

According to several studies, older adults with higher vitamin K intake are regarded to have better memories. Other than that, broccoli also has a multitude of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, which can protect against brain damage.

Brocollis are very versatile foods! You can snack on some charred broccoli, add it to your favorite stews, or boil it as a side dish!

5. Berries

berries boost concentration

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or cherries — munching on your favorite berry can also provide you with brain-boosting effects! In addition to its numerous health benefits, berries also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects because of all the anthocyanins it contains.

The antioxidants in berries fight oxidative stress and inflammation, which can both contribute to brain aging and other neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, the antioxidants that build up in the brain may help in improving communication between brain cells, thus leading to enhanced memory and better learning!

That’s why berries are considered to be one of the best snacks to have when you’re studying or working! Add it to your breakfast cereal, smoothie bowls, or protein shakes!

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Power Up Your Concentration

A good diet has a great impact on both your physical appearance and the functionality of your organs, most especially the brain! Snacking on these treats can be helpful to improve your memory and focus, but nothing beats a good dose of sleep and rest to aid your concentration.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle of eating right, exercising regularly, and having enough sleep so that you can ultimately boost your brain to its highest potential! In time, you’ll be surprised at how significantly it has helped you improve concentration.



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