In today’s society that passively promotes obesity, trying to control your appetite and lose weight can be such a challenge. After a couple of days into tracking your calories and eating clean comes the struggle to tame your hunger and control your cravings. One overindulgence is enough to leave you frustrated. Even worse, it can lead you to the endless pit of overeating.
There are several factors as to why you feel hungry. You can effectively lose weight and avoid overeating by being able to distinguish which type of hunger you are feeling and how you can stop yourself from overeating.
What You Need To Know:
- Overeating is usually an emotional response and does not address a real biological hunger.
- Stress, anxiety, or boredom are the common reasons why you overeat.
- Mindful eating, a balanced and fiber-rich diet, exercising, and the use of natural appetite suppressants can help you beat overeating.
Related: 6 Reasons Why People Gain Weight
The Science of Hunger
Figuring out the reason why we feel hungry can be quite complicated. Hunger pangs are felt not just because your body demands energy, but also because of the different environmental and pleasurable signals we have around us.
The psychology of eating recognizes two kinds of hunger — one that is biological, and another driven purely by pleasure.
Homeostatic Hunger aka The Real Hunger
This kind of hunger triggers a series of signals throughout the brain and body whenever there is a demand for fuel and energy. In short, it’s the biological call of the body to eat.
Hormones, like the ghrelin (also known as the “hunger hormone”), are released from the body whenever there are low energy levels in the body, signaling your stomach to growl and your brain to be in search for food. Conversely, you are able to feel full because of the release of leptin, which signals the body to turn off its desire to eat.
Hedonic Hunger aka
“The Pleasure Hunger”
To put simply, this type of hunger is just the feeling of “wanting to eat”. It does not fulfill any biological need for food and it’s merely a drive for eating pleasurable foods, like those high in fat and sugar.
In theory, since our ancestors were natural hunters and gatherers, their instincts and desires were inclined towards foods that have a higher energy content. Over time, however, these types of foods have become easily and widely available. This explains why up until now, we still have cravings for the really delicious fatty and sugary foods!
But Why Do We Overeat?
Deciphering the causes of your overeating can be quite perplexing. For some, eating has become a coping mechanism whenever they’re under a lot of stress and anxiety. Others use food as a type of reward for celebrations or moments of achievement. This is because eating satisfying foods, like those high in salt, fat, and sugar, have the ability to release pleasurable signals to the brain.
Overeating can be an excuse to initially manage these intense emotions. However, after a while, the good feelings you get from consuming overly sumptuous foods can turn into regret and guilty. Eventually, the cycle can go on and on leading you to become an emotional overeater.
7 Tricks For a Strong Appetite Suppressant Control
There are many proven techniques and strategies you can apply when you feel like overindulging. Once you become aware of your hunger and practice these methods, you’ll surely be able to beat the urge to overeat.
1. Eat At The Right Pace
Many of us become too busy to sit down and enjoy a meal. Eating too quickly may cause you to overeat because you’re unable to recognize when you are already full. Did you know that it takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that it’s full from eating?
It’s important to take your time while eating. Studies have shown that eating at a slower pace has been associated with increased fullness and decreased hunger. Chew your food slowly several times before swallowing. Appreciate the different flavors and textures of the food in your mouth. Also, take a break after a couple of mouthfuls and sip some water. This will help you reduce how much you eat and make you feel fuller.
2. Know What Triggers You To Overeat and Be Mindful of It
Are you eating more because you’re stressed, sad, or anxious? Are you rewarding yourself with food after a job well done? Do you know the guilty pleasure foods you usually grab? Recognize and be aware of these triggers.
The practice of mindful eating focuses on the thoughts, emotions, and senses you are feeling at the moment while consuming your food. This technique is beneficial for those who are emotional and stress eaters.
One technique in mindful eating is by keeping a food journal. Write down the emotions you are feeling whenever you feel like overeating. Jot down the type of hunger you are experiencing so you’re able to know when it’s appropriate to feed into it.
3. Avoid Skipping Meals
One common mistake from overeaters is their desire to skip the next few meals in order to make up for their binge. However, studies have shown that skipping meals makes it more likely for you to overeat.
The best thing to do is to continue eating a regular balanced diet. Research has reported that frequent eating may lessen your hunger and food intake throughout the day. Plan to have at least 3 meals and 2 snacks in between. Just be sure to get your portions right so you’re not inclined to eat more than what you really should.
4. Focus On Your Diet
Consuming a healthy diet lessens the likelihood that you’ll overeat. Our bodies instinctively crave for high energy foods which is why we tend to crave for the processed, fatty, and sugary foods. However, these are often refined and can be easily metabolized in the body. So in a few hours, you already feel like eating again!
It’s important to choose whole and fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. These have a satiating effect in the body which helps you feel fuller while consuming fewer calories.
5. Sleep Better
Being tired and sleep deprived makes you more than usual. Late nights usually mean skipping important meals and unhealthy midnight snacking. In addition, recent studies show that poor sleeping habits are directly related to emotional eating and more stress.
Adopt a healthy sleeping pattern and aim for a good seven to eight hours of sleep every night.
6. Fight The Distractions
Do you usually find yourself mindlessly looking at what’s inside your fridge? If you are often bored, you’re likely to overeat.
Fight the boredom by doing your favorite healthy leisure activities. Go for a walk, do a quick workout, or read a book! Sometimes all you need is a break from the monotony to distract yourself from overeating.
7. Natural Solution for Appetite Control
There are many natural supplements available now in the market that are scientifically designed for appetite control. Among these are the following:
Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract

What does it do?
- Cuts your cravings by turning off your appetite switch
- Reduces hunger pangs
- Helps in metabolizing the food eat better
- Can increase your energy levels and improve your mood
Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

What does it do?
- Acts as an appetite suppressant
- Helps in reducing the amount of food you eat
These all natural supplements have been proven to be 100% safe. With a balanced diet and regular exercise regime, they can also help you lose weight.
In Summary…
Overeating is a constant challenge, especially for those that want to lose weight. Feeling like you’re hungry all the time can’t just be easily explained by your body’s simple need for calories. Sometimes, wanting to overeat is due to an emotional response.
The key to stopping yourself from overeating is by first identifying the hunger you are experiencing. From there you can apply different tricks and techniques for appetite control. Try to eat more slowly, find your triggers, practice mindful eating, stop skipping meals, eat whole foods, sleep better, avoid boredom, or use natural supplements designed for appetite control. These collective methods along with a good diet and regular workout routine can help you beat overeating and achieve your weight loss goals.